Thursday, May 26, 2005

hold your fire!

we began the star wars film festival with #1 because # 4-6 were checked out at the video store.
the staff at lalspeak made an executive decision to begin the screening with #1 because it was available and the intense time pressure to prepare for #3 by the weekend.
we do appreciate the sage advice received although in the end the indicated guidelines were
not followed.


Anonymous said...

Also it is necessary to realize that j is an historian and likes linear development. Even if it sometimes means that one knows who one's father is before one thought one knew, if you know what i mean. Which I don't know, having not seen the future.

Anonymous said...

But it's NOT a linear development, because you're seeing them out of order.

But alas, it's too late now.

You've already started on the road to the Dark Side.

And I do not underestimate the Dark Side.