Wednesday, February 01, 2006

thank you dubya

it's reallly hard to stay tuned to any speech by george w. but all of a sudden last night i heard "switch grass". ????switch grass ---never heard of the stuff, but waddya know it grows right here in wisconsin on marshy land---and, get this can be used to make ethanol as a source of energy. i have a totally marshy back yard--are you getting the picture--first global warming so that i can put in an orange grove and now energy crisis so i can put in a switch grass farm and grow my own fuel.
thank you george!

1 comment:

dl004d said...

From today's Washington Post: "Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum), a hardy perennial, can grow up to eight feet tall. Though its power output is only about 75 percent that of coal, its carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide emissions are much lower."

The good news is that you'd have an excuse not to mow your lawn.