Sunday, June 19, 2005


i'm in phoenix this weekend at a meeting and am totally blown away by how extraordinarilly unpleasant this city is for any kind of human existence. the temperature hovers around 110 every day. the city is
spreeeeaaad out for miles in every direction. there are very few venues
of interest within walking distance of each other---and who can walk more than a few blocks without the need for cpr in this heat?
there *are* a number of vistas of very tall palm trees and geometrically interesting outcroppings of sharp peaked mountains surrounding the city but architecturally the city is a hodgepodge of generally ugly ,new skyscraperettes sitting among and between one story strip malls.
why do old people want to come here for retirement --is it a halfway house to prepare for hell?


dl004d said...

Which is worse:

Phoenix at a dry 110 or D.C. at a muggy 94 degrees?

Josh said...

... and Paris is always cloudy. Not that I've ever been there or anything. I hear stuff.

The lesson: there's more to life than weather.

Josh said...

Populations of Phoenix:
1990:   983,403
2000: 1,321,045
2003: 1,388,416

Josh said...

More stats!

The median age of people in Phoenix is 30.7, which is LOWER than the national median, 35.3.

Phoenix is 50.9 percent male. The entire country is 50.9 percent female. (I'm guessing this has something to do with Latino immigrants who have left the rest of their family at home.)

Anonymous said...

actually I think there's a lot to be said for weather. We should really all just move to Boulder. Fantastic weather there, and I'm telling you, the people are HAPPY. absurdly happy, actually.

dl004d said...

Sure, there's more to life than weather. But why bring that up here? (The original post mentioned more than just the weather.)

Were you happy in Boulder, SAL?

Anonymous said...

well, no. But that's because everybody else was so damned happy it was creepy.

I did really like the weather, though.